Tour Routes
One - day Tour
Two - day Tour
Three - day Tour
Watching Plum Flowers in Early Spring
A Romantic Trip
Mystical Taizhou Nun College
椒江 The Ancient Town of Zhang’an Haimen Old Street Wuzixiong Glass Gallery Taizhou Sea World Civic Square Dachen Island
黄岩 Huangyan Waterfalls Yongning Park Jiufeng Park Citrus Exposition Park Changtan Lake Fushan Great Rift Valley
路桥 Shili Street Huanglang Coastal Holiday Resort
临海 The Ancient Great Wall South of the Yangtze River East Lake Ziyang Old Street Kuocang Mountain Taozhu Scenic Spot Jiangnan Grand Canyon Toumen Island
温岭 Changyu Stone Cave Jiangxia Forest Park Wenling Zoo
玉环 Xuanmen Bay Water Scenic Spot Big Deer Isles
天台 Stone-Beam Waterfall Azalea in Huading Qiongtai Fairy Valley Guoqing Temple
仙居 Yong’an Brook Jingxing Rock Potan Ancient Town Shenxianju Scenic Area Danzhu Leisure Valley
三门 Shepan Island Duobao Temple Tingpang Uprising Museum Mushao Beach
Hotels and Travel Agencies
Star-rated Hotels in Taizhou
Taizhou International Business Tourism Co., L...
Yuhuan Dadi Travel Agency Co., Ltd.
Taizhou Guoli Travel Agency Co., Ltd.
Taizhou Strait Tourism Co., Ltd.
Taizhou Huangyan Holiday Tourism Co., Ltd.
Taizhou Rural Tourism
Fantasy Land of Immortal
Nanhuang Ancient Road in Tiantai AA...
Linhai Yangyan Mountain Tea Cultura...
Yuhuan Xuanmen Bay Agricultural Sig...
The redwoods forest in Linhai
Ancient Melody Likes a Bright Pearl
Xianju Gaoqian
Taozhu Town in Linhai City
The needling bracketless lantern of Xianju
Xianju Potan
Linhai Huangsha Lion
Plentiful Treasure and Specialties
aizhou Tangerine
Xianju Waxberry
Yuhuan pomelo
Luqiao Loquat
The Jumping Fish of Sanmen
Cloud and Water Perfectly Mix Together
Wenling Shuitongao beach
The Dragon Bay Coast
Picking clams in the beach
Dried Fish
Rural Culture and Special Festivals
Delivering Great Heat
Luqiao Watermelon Festival
Huangyan Tangerine Picking Festival
Yuhuan Pomelo Festival