 > Things to do > Hotels and Travel Agencies
Taizhou Huangyan Holiday Tourism Co., Ltd.
Source:Taizhou Information Center 2015-11-25 16:10

Taizhou Huangyan Holiday Tourism Co., Ltd. (original Huangyan Communication Travel Agency) is one of the oldest travel agencies in Huangyan. Now it covers the businesses such as organization and operation of tourist groups, tourist attraction development and hotel accommodation, etc. in Taizhou.


Address: No. 2, East Qingnian Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City

Zip Code: 318020

Tel: 0576-84220986

Tourism Complaint: 96118 0576-88535755

Tourism Information: 0576-88535773

All Copyright Reserved: Taizhou Tourism Bureau

Technical Support: Tianyi Network

Zhejiang ICP 06011086

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