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Azalea in Huading
Source:Taizhou Information Center 2011-07-18 10:36


Huading Peak, the main peak of Tiantai Mountain, is 25 km away from the north of the county. By tour buses, you can get access to the scenic spot, which boasts the 7.5-square-meters national forest park. The 1,098-meter-high main peak, surrounded with mountains layer by layer, is shaped like the corolla of a lotus with thousands of petals, so it is nicknamed “Huading”. Its summit is a worship platform, on which the sages and masters used to worship and read the “Surangama Sutra”. At Huading Peak, you can enjoy the sun rising over the East Sea in a sunny day or the “Cloud-pooled Huading Peak” renowned for the haunting mist and cloud among the wonderful mountains.


At the foot of the peak, Huding Temple (initial name: Shanxing Temple) was founded by Deshao (the National Buddhist Master) in the first year (in 936) of Tianfu Period in the Jin Dynasty and rebuilt in 1998. At the back of the temple, the over-1,700-year-old Guiyun Cave used to be Ge Xuan’s tea plantation in Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period according to the legend. Guiyun Pavillion has been built around Guiyun Cave. At the northeast of the temple is Taibai School, with Youjun Ink Pool and other relics at the southwest. At both sides of the temple, there are 72 huts among the jungle. Yaoshi Temple is the largest hut out of the eastern huts. These huts attract flocks of monks and pilgrims during fast days.


Thanks to the fertile soil, ancient trees and enshrouding mist, the land around Huading Temple is suitable for tea planting. The famous Huading Cloud Mist Tea is very popular both at home and abroad. The hundreds of mu of Yunjin Azalea Trees around Huading Peak are mostly more than 100 years old. The natural scenery of blooming azalea miraculously comes out in May every year.

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