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Taizhou Luantan Troupe Performed The Star Chaser at the National Centre for the Performing Arts
Source:Taizhou 2024-07-16 09:42

"Stars in the sky, bright and sparkling, lights on the ground, shining new... which star is the brightest? It’s the one above, the Fang Yun star." With a child’s song as the opening, the story of "Two Bombs and One Satellite" hero Chen Fangyun begins.

On the nights of July 10 and 11, the modern drama The Star Chaser by Taizhou Luantan Troupe was performed at the National Centre for the Performing Arts for two consecutive nights, marking the fourth performance of the Taizhou Luantan Theatre Troupe at the National Centre. Hundreds of people from Beijing and Zhejiang immersed themselves in the world created on stage, deeply experiencing this artistic feast and offering enthusiastic applause.

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