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Embarking on a Time-Traveling Journey to Tiantai Mountain
Source:Taizhou 2024-05-23 16:05

In recent days, the news of "Free Tours to Tiantai Mountain" has flooded WeChat Moments, attracting a large influx of people. And this activity is related to an "extraordinary person".

"On the 30th day of the third lunar month in the year Gui-Chou, I set out from the West Gate of Ninghai. The clouds dispersed, the sun shone brightly, and the mountains were filled with joy." On May 19, 1613 AD, the esteemed traveler Xu Xiake departed from Ninghai, eagerly heading to Tiantai Mountain, and penned the opening passage of his Travels of Xu Xiake - Diary of Touring Tiantai Mountain. Since 2011, this day has become China's Tourism Day.

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