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Wu Meets Argentine Consul General in Shanghai
Source:Taizhou Information Center 2015-11-25 16:10

Wu Weirong, Major of Taizhou City and Deputy Secretary of the Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee, and Zhao Yuejin, Deputy Major of Taizhou City, met Francisco Philo, Argentine Consul General in Shanghai who is visiting Taizhou, for a talk on economic and trade cooperation.


Wu made a brief introduction of Taizhou’s economic and social developments. He said that as a long-history and beautiful city, Taizhou now sees a vigorous economic development with a large number of outstanding firms. He expected Mr. Philo to give more attention to Taizhou enterprises and introduce them to Argentina and welcomed businessmen from Argentina to Taihzou for travelling and investments. All of those will make great contributions to better mutual understanding and deeper economical and cultural communication and cooperation, which is a win-win situation for both Argentina and Taizhou. 


Francisco Philo said that Argentina would encourage more entrepreneurs to visit Taizhou, an amazing city not only with breath-taking natural views but also soaring economy, dynamic market, rich culture, and plenty of successful entrepreneurs, and also welcome people from Taizhou who are interested in making business in Argentina. Philo expressed his expectation that both sides would enhance economical and cultural communications.

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