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Measures for Implementing the Plan of Introducing Excellent Overseas Talents in Taizhou City
Source:Taizhou Information Center 2011-10-27 03:26

General Office of Taizhou City CPC Committee [2011] No. 50


Article 1 In order to implement the Notice from the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Issuing the Opinions on Supporting Personnel with Overseas Educational Background to Start up Businesses in China (the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [2011] No. 23), the Opinions on Energetically Implementing the Plan for Introducing Excellent Overseas Personnel to Start up Businesses and Make Innovations and Zhejiang Province Interim Measures for the “Plan for Introducing High-level Overseas Talents” (General Office of Zhejiang Province CPC Committee [2009] No. 73) from the General Office of Zhejiang Province CPC Committee and the General Office of Zhejiang Province Government and Some Opinions on Supporting High-level Talents in Starting up Businesses and Making innovations (Taizhou City CPC Committee [2011] No. 48) from Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee and Taizhou Municipal Government, in accordance with the realities of Taizhou City, the measures are hereby formulated.


Article 2 Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security is the general department of the management and service for the excellent overseas talents making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou, who is responsible for the qualification accreditation, macro-management and daily service for the excellent overseas talents and assists in handling relevant issues.


Article 3 The excellent overseas talents referred to in the measures include excellent personnel with overseas educational background, the intellectual projects of overseas talents introduced or approved by the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs and higher-level Bureaus and the experts with foreign nationalities employed by the units independently. The excellent personnel with overseas educational background refer to those with a master’s degree who have continuously worked or studied overseas for over 3 years or those with a doctor’s degree who have continuously worked or studied overseas for over 1 year, on condition that they should work in the enterprises or public institutions in Taizhou and sign the labor contract or employment contract with a term of over 3 years, and include the Chinese people with overseas educational background (including those having acquired foreign nationalities) who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or above overseas and start up their businesses with patents, scientific research achievements or proprietary technologies, etc. in Taizhou and serve as the legal representatives or have more than 30% of the total investments in the enterprises (hereinafter referred to as major shareholders) with their own funds (including technology investments) and the venture capital attracted from home and abroad.


The high-level overseas talents will be determined in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated in the Detailed Rules for the Review and Accreditation of High-level Talents in Taizhou City.


Article 4 The enterprises started up by the excellent personnel with overseas educational background referred to in the measures are defined as the enterprises that the excellent personnel with overseas educational background start up with patents, scientific research achievements or proprietary technologies, etc. in Taizhou and serve as the legal representatives or have more than 30% of the total investments in the enterprises with their own funds (including technology investments) and the venture capital attracted from home and abroad.


Article 5 The relevant support policies stipulated in the measures are provided on condition thatthe excellent overseas people, except the experts with foreign nationalities introduced through the foreign talents and intellectual projects who give short-term guidance in Taizhou, should ensure that they work in Taizhou for not less than 6 months every year.


Article 6 The projects of the excellent people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou shall be determined in accordance with the following procedures:


1. Excellent people with overseas educational background shall provide the Project Plan of Excellent People with Overseas Educational Background Making Innovations or starting up Businesses in Taizhou as well as the relevant supporting materials.


2. The relevant experts shall be invited to carry out the technical reviews to the projects and rate the projects as key project recommended, priority project recommended, common project recommended and project not recommended.


3. The experts in venture capital, financial affairs and management, entrepreneurs and relevant senior officials shall be invited to carry out comprehensive reviews to the projects recommended by the technical reviews in a bid to determine the locations of the projects.


4. The carriers at the locations of the projects shall negotiate with the excellent people with overseas educational background. The contracts shall be signed following the successful negotiations to determine the rights, obligations and relevant responsibilities for the two sides.


5. The support policies stipulated in the measures shall begin to be honored for the projects with signed agreements on settlement when the projects have been settled in practice and are in normal operation, except for the cases of extra agreements.


The projects of the high-level overseas talents making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou shall be determined in accordance with the Detailed Rules for the Review and Accreditation of High-level Talents in Taizhou City.


The determination of the projects of the excellent people with overseas educational background making innovations and starting up businesses in Taizhou Economic Development Zone shall be organized by Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security in conjunction with the Administrative Committee of Taizhou Economic Development Zone and the relevant departments. The determination of the projects of innovations and start-ups in the counties, county-level cities and districts shall be organized by the local bureau of human resources and social security in conjunction with relevant departments or entrusted to Taizhou municipal authorities.


Article 7 The support and incentive policies for high-level overseas talents making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou shall be implemented in accordance with Some Opinions on Supporting High-level Talents in Starting up Businesses and Making innovations (Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee [2011] No. 48) and Detailed Rules for Supporting and Rewarding High-level Talents in Taizhou of Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee and Taizhou Municipal Government.


For the enterprises that the excellent overseas people start up in Taizhou, all of the local fiscal revenue formed by the corporate income tax of the enterprise within the 3 years after the industrialized production shall be rewarded to the enterprise for the research and development or expanded production, in addition, a lump-sum reward equivalent to the total sum of the part of the personal income tax paid in the 3 years after the industrialized production of the enterprise and retained in local fiscal revenue shall be granted to the excellent overseas talents that start up the enterprise or the principal shareholders.


Article 8 The excellent overseas people selected in such major talents programs as the national “Thousand Talents Program”, “Thousand Young Talents Program” and “Short-term Project of Thousand Talents Program”, and provincial “Thousand Talents Program” and “Seagull Program” will be granted an additional reward of the sum equivalent to the reward they receive; the individual selected in the major talents programs of different levels but the same category will be granted an additional reward equivalent to the sum of the highest single reward he/she receives. The employing units of the talents selected in the national “Thousand Talents Program” and “Thousand Young Talents Program” will be granted an introduction subsidy of RMB500,000 for every talent; The employing units of the talents selected in the national “Short-term Project of Thousand Talents Program” and the provincial “Thousand Talents Program” will be granted an introduction subsidy of RMB300,000 for every talent; the employing units of the talents selected in the provincial “Seagull Program” and other national and provincial major talents programs will be granted an introduction subsidy of RMB200,000 for every talent. The sponsoring unit determined as national “Base of Innovations and Startups of High-level Overseas Talents” will be granted a base construction subsidy of RMB5 million; the sponsoring unit determined as provincial “Base of Innovations and Startups of High-level Overseas Talents” will be granted a base construction subsidy of RMB2 million.


Article 9 The implemented intellectual introduction projects approved by the national and provincial Bureaus of Foreign Experts Affairs will be granted an additional subsidy of the sum of the subsidy provided by the national and provincial authorities in the proportion of one to one. The municipal projects of introducing foreign talents and intellectuals approved by the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs will be granted the subsidy in line with the actual expenses of international travels, experts’ petty expenses, experts’ living expenses, inter-city transportation and other expenses, but the total sum shall not exceed RMB30,000. The employing units of the foreign experts (not including the categories of culture and education) independently employed by the enterprises who work in Taizhou for more than 6 months and are approved as experts of key supported project by Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs will be granted a lump-sum subsidy of less than RMB30,000 (not granted repeatedly for the intellectual introduction projects).


Article 10 The Excellent people with foreign educational background starting up businesses in Taizhou shall enjoy the preferential policies in taxation according to relevant stipulations. Among the enterprises, the rate of the corporate income tax for the high-tech enterprises specially supported by the country shall be reduced to 15%; 150% of the actual sum of the R&D expenses for the development in new technologies, new products and new processes by the enterprise shall be deducted in the calculation of the taxable income; the corporate income tax may be exempted or reduced for the enterprise’s gains in the projects of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, investment and operation in the projects of public infrastructure specially supported by the country, and the qualified projects of environmental protection, energy conservation and water saving; the enterprise’s proceeds gained by producing the products with the resources listed in the Catalogue of Resources for Comprehensive Utilization Entitling Enterprises to Income Tax Preferences as the main raw materials, which are not restricted or prohibited by the country as well as conform to relevant industrial standards, may be reduced in the calculation of the taxable income.  


The excellent people with foreign educational background who have acquired foreign nationalities or overseas permanent residency shall pay taxes for the lawful income earned in starting up businesses in Taizhou in accordance with the law and all the incomes can be converted into foreign exchanges and remitted abroad after obtaining the tax certificates for foreign payments issued by the tax departments. The collection and sales of foreign exchanges shall be handled in accordance with the nature of the incomes and the relevant stipulations for foreign exchange management.


Article 11 The enterprises started up by the excellent people with overseas educational background that have obtained the major special scientific and technological projects or the major engineering projects of provincial level or above, or have completed the engineering centers, technical centers, R&D centers or academicians workstations of municipal level or above will be granted subsidies in accordance with the stipulations in Some Opinions on Supporting High-level Talents in Starting up Businesses and Making innovations (Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee No. 48 [2011]) of Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee and Taizhou Municipal Government.


Article 12 Relying on Taizhou Economic Development Zone, the Taizhou Enterprise Park for People with Overseas Educational Background (hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise Park) shall be established with the opening-up management to be implemented, where the Administration Office of the Enterprise Park (The Office is located in Taizhou economic Development Zone) organized by the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and the Administrative Committee of Taizhou Economic Development Zone with the participation of the relevant departments shall be responsible for the coordination and implementation of the affairs concerning the enterprises started up by the excellent people with overseas educational background in the Enterprise Park. In addition to the preferential policies of the measures, the projects of innovations and startups by the excellent people with overseas educational background in Taizhou Economic Development Zone may enjoy the following support policies:


(1) The excellent people with overseas educational background who start up enterprises and R&D institutions in the Enterprise Park will be granted a subsidy of interest discount for the loan quota within RMB2 million within a term of 2 years; the profitable enterprises with industrialized and scale production whose annual sales reach over RMB10 million and are incremental every year will be granted a subsidy of interest discount for the loan quota within RMB5 million within a term of 3 years from the year of qualification.


(2) The R&D institutions established in the Enterprise Park or jointly established with the enterprises in Taizhou Economic Development Zone by the excellent people with overseas educational background and approved by the relevant Taizhou municipal or higher level government departments shall be granted the subsidies of 20% of the actual expenses for the purchase of equipment for the construction projects of the R&D institution in the first 3 years and 30% of the actual R&D expenses, and the subsidies shall not exceed RMB3 million.


(3) The enterprises and R&D institutions started up by excellent people with overseas educational background in the Enterprise Park shall be offered by the Enterprise Park the premises with a covered area of not less than 100 square meters that should be exempted from rent for 3 years or supplied with rental subsidies. Among them, the start-up premises, housing and subsistence allowance for the high-level overseas talents who start up businesses or R&D institutions in the Enterprise Park or work in the enterprises in Taizhou Economic Development Zone shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Detailed Rules for Supporting and Rewarding High-level Talents in Taizhou.


Article 13 The Municipal Government (Taizhou Economic Development Zone) shall allocate special funds annually, where the interest subsidies for the loans for the construction of the Enterprise Park and the excellent people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou Economic Development Zone shall be “settled to the actual sum” and put into place timely and in full by the public finance in accordance with the actual progress of the work of the introduced talents.


Article 14 The people with a master's degree or above who have worked or studied abroad continuously for more than three years and assume senior managerial or technical positions in the enterprises and public institutions in Taizhou and the high-level overseas talents who start up businesses and have acquired a foreign nationality and have held a foreign passport, or have acquired foreign permanent residency but still held the Chinese passport, or have non-Zhejiang household registration, may apply for Zhejiang Province Residence Permit for High-level Overseas Talents, the handling of which may be entrusted to the local bureau of human resources and social security, and the permit holder may enjoy relevant rights and interests according to the Interim Measures for the Management of Zhejiang Province Residence Permit for High-level Overseas Talents (General Office of Zhejiang Province Government [2011] No. 28).


Article 15 The approach of direct assessment can be adopted in the approved recruitment of public institutions for high-level talents with overseas educational background who are qualified for the conditions in the Guiding Opinions on the Definition of High-level Talents with Overseas Educational Background in the Introduction Work of Talents with Overseas Educational Background (the Ministry of Personnel [2005] No. 25) issued by the former Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance. If the public institution has a full staffing, the ad hoc positions can be set after the approval with the gradual settlement following the recruitment.


Article 16 The jobs of the spouses of high-level overseas talents will be settled by personal means or the recommendation of the units. The people with difficulty in employment may enjoy the corresponding preferential policies stipulated in the Opinions on Promoting the Work in Employment, Benefiting People, Starting up Businesses and Enriching People (Taizhou Municipal Government [2009] No. 9) issued by the municipal government by presenting the Employment and Unemployment Registration issued by the employment authorities of the area of the household registration. When the high-level overseas talent leaves Taizhou, or his/her spouse has been employed or reaches the statutory retirement age, the unemployment living allowance that the spouse enjoys shall terminate. The personal files may be kept for free in the personnel exchange center affiliated to the local department of human resources and social security.


Article 17 For the people with foreign educational background who have not acquired a foreign nationality, the length of service calculated in compliance with the national regulations before going abroad, the stipulated length for acquiring a master’s or doctor’s degree abroad and the length of work in making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou may be calculated together as the continuous length of service. For visiting scholars, personnel taking refresher courses and fellows of collaborative researches, the length of working abroad and the length of service before going abroad may be put together in calculating the length of service.


Article 18 After being examined and verified by the local bureau of human resources and social security and public security department, the individual with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou and his/her accompanying spouse and minor children may register settlement in the area of the startups or the area of their original residence registration, or restore the registration in the area of the nullified residence registration.


The people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou shall be given priority by the administrative departments of education of their residence in handling the matters concerning their children going to a nursery or a school of compulsory education such as enrollment and school-transferring with no extra fees charged except those approved by the state.


Article 19 The people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou may open the local account of housing accumulation funds by presenting the valid labor or employment contracts and the certificates issued by the local bureau of human resources and social security. The people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou with non-local residence registration may pay and use the housing accumulation funds locally according to the stipulations and may withdraw or transfer the housing accumulation funds when leaving Taizhou.


Article 20 The people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou shall participate in the social insurances in Taizhou in accordance with the provisions of the state, including the basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance, etc. and the number of the years of paying the premiums shall be determined in line with the number of the years of paying the premiums actually.


The people with overseas educational background with a foreign nationality who migrate across the unified-planning regions in Chinese territory shall transfer and extend their social insurances in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. In enjoying the benefits of the social insurances and the personal housing accumulation funds, the above-mentioned people have the same rights and obligations as the Chinese citizens in the aspects of premium standards, transferring approaches and the benefits, etc.


Article 21 The professional technical qualifications of the people with overseas educational background making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou may be directly determined according to personnel administration authority or the people may apply for the accreditation of corresponding professional technical qualifications by referring to the education background, academic or professional technical levels of the domestic personnel with the same qualifications. Those applying for the accreditation of professional technical qualifications of corresponding levels for the first time shall be exempted from the examinations in foreign languages and computer science.


Article 22 In accordance with the conditions, the people with overseas educational background who have made major contributions to the economic construction and social development in Taizhou may apply for the honorary titles of the ultra-senior expert and the middle-aged and young expert with outstanding contributions of Zhejiang Province and the top-notch talent of Taizhou City and the talents development programs and financing projects such as the “New Century 151 Talents Program” of Zhejiang Province and the “211 Talents Program” of Taizhou City, etc.


Article 23 The subsidies of funds and the rewarding standards involved in the measures are only applicable to Jiaojiang District, Huangyan District, Luqiao District and Taizhou Economic Development Zone and the public finance systems in force of the municipal and district levels shall share the corresponding proportions which shall be disbursed from the municipal and district special funds for talents development. Other counties or county-level cities may work out corresponding plans and subsidy standards by reference to the measures according to their actual conditions.


Article 24 If one project of the excellent overseas people making innovations or starting up businesses in Taizhou are qualified for the policies and supporting policies of Some Opinions on Supporting High-level Talents in Starting up Businesses and Making innovations (Taizhou City CPC Committee [2011] No. 48) of Taizhou Municipal CPC Committee and Taizhou Municipal Government and the preferential policies in the measures at the same time, the rewards (subsidies) will be granted in the principle of “the most preferential, the highest and not repeated”. When the granted low-level rewards (subsidies) are upgraded, only the differences of the rewards (subsidies) will be granted.


Article 25 These measures shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation. The Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security is responsible for the interpretation.

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